Virginia ElectionsIt is time to begin collecting signatures to get CPV
candidates on the ballot for the November General
Election. The Constitution Party of Virginia so far
has three candidates who have indicated their intention to
run for office in 2021: Timothy Clay Phipps (TC
Country) for governor, Sheila (Samm) Tittle for Lieutenant
Governor, and David Adam McKelvey, for Attorney General. Nominating Petition FormsWe are including here with the standard petition forms
for each candidate, a copy of the Petition that does not
require there to be a witness to the the signatures,
(Non-Witness Form). There is also one Nominating
Petition for each candidate (Governor, Lt Governor and
Attorney General). Whichever you use, they must be
completed, signed and MAILED to John Bloom, 14214 Penrith
Lane, Newport News, VA, 23602. You could ALSO email John
the form as well, Though we're not sure the Board of
Elections would accept electronic copies. The other three
documents are the standard Petition Forms if you choose to
get friends, family, or other registered voters to sign a
petition, but you must witness each person signing the
petition and then sign the form in front of a Notary
Republic (go to your bank as they should not charge you if
you have a Bank Account with them. The Plan is to have as many people send this message to
friends and family across Virginia, ask them to complete
the Non-Witness form and have them mail that form to John.
WE can do this without having to collect signatures at
events or going door to door. SIGNING a Nomination
Petition does not require that person to be obligated to
vote for that person, but gets them on the Virginia
Ballot. Also we want to run candidates in all 100 Delegate
Districts. Because of Gerrymandering Republican and
Democrats do not even run candidates in every Delegate
District. We can make History and I believe we can win
with just 40% of the vote. The Republican Party is in
Disarray, between those Loyal to Donald Trump and those
Loyal to the Republican Party with many such as myself
leaving the Republican Party. The Republican Party has not
won a statewide election since 2009 and with Democrats
winning in many Republican Gerrymandered Districts taking
control of both houses of the Legislature and the
Governors office, they cannot win statewide in Virginia.
This is the Constitution Party of Virginia's opportunity
to make a statement and win in elections all across the
state including Governor, LT Governor and Attorney
General. For more information go to if you want to get more
involved. John Bloom, Chairman Constitution
Party of Virginia. TC Country for Governor Petition Samm Tittle for Lieutenant-Governor Petition David Adam McKelvey for Attorney General Petition Chairman John Bloom has made a short two minute video on how to fill out the Non-Witness Petition that may be helpful to you. Follow the link below to our Facebook page where you will find it located. Constitution Party of Virginia Facebook PageCPV Candidates for Office_____________________________________________________________________
Copyright ©2017 Constitution Party
of VA